La Clandestina vs SAREB


L'assamblea del centre social La Clandestina, de Barcelona, va ocupar ahir a la tarda el despatx del 'bufet Arbós', bufet d'advocats que treballa per la SAREB, i que en nom seu ha posat una demanda de desallotjament, tot i que l'edifici feia 10 anys que estava abandonat i no hi ha previst cap ús a mitjà termini.

L'acció va durar unes dues hores, durant les quals tres persones van estar intentant negociar amb els advocats del despatx, que s'hi van negar, mentre un altre grup de gent bloquejava la porta. Finalment va acabar amb un desallotjament per part de diverses unitats BRIMO dels Mossos d'Esquadra.


Yesterday, people from the Barcelona squatted social center 'La Clandestina' occupied the lawyer's office Arbós, who works for SAREB (the 'bad bank' of the Spanish government, the government-owned company is responsible for managing assets transferred by the four nationalized Spanish financial institutions) who demanded an eviction for the social center. The building have been empty for more than 10 years and there is no use planned for the building.

The action went on for about two hours: three people were trying to negociate with the lawyers, who refused to start any kind of negotiations. In the meantime, a large number of people were blocking the entrance. Finally everything ended up with a violent actuation of the catalan police: the Mossos d'Esquadra.


Raquel Rappini / Sergi Pujolar / Collectif Krasnyi

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