Razzia contra el movimiento libertario
A las 5h15 de este martes 16 de Dicembre empezaban a movilizarse unos 700 Mossos y otros cuerpos policiales para asaltar diversos centros sociales, okupas y viviendas dentro de la llamada Operación Pandora. A lo largo del día se han registrado la Kasa de la Muntanya, el Ateneu Llibertari de Sant Andreu y el Ateneu Anarquista de Poble Sec y requisado material informático y documentación.
Poco después de empezar los registros han llegado grupos de solidarias a los barrios. Cerca de la Kasa de la Muntanya, rodeada por un perímetro policial y decenas de furgones, un grupo ha bloqueado espontáneamente los dos sentido de la Travessera de Dalt por más de una hora hasta que la policía ha intervenido. Esa misma tarde se convocaban manifestaciones de repulsa contra la operación en contra del movimiento libertario y en solidaridad con las detenidas en varias ciudades del estado. En Barcelona, unas 3.000 personas se han manifestado pacíficamente desde las calles de Sant Andreu hacia las calles del barrio de Gracia, bloqueando carreteras a su paso y sin dejar de gritar "si nos tocan a una, nos tocan a todas" o "el único terrorista, el estado capitalista". Un cordón de antidisturbios les ha cortado el paso a la altura de la sede de CDC, donde la manifestación ha sido dividida, se han roto los cristales de algunas sucursales bancarias y los Mossos han cargado contra el bloque de la cabecera dispersando los manifestantes en pequeños grupos.
De las once personas detenidas y trasladadas a la Audiencia Nacional, cuatro han sido liberadas hoy jueves mientras las otras siete ingresan en prisión preventiva en Soto del Real. Han tenido que declarar sin conocer los hechos de los que se les acusa, más allá de pertenencia a “organización criminal con finalidad terrorista de carácter anarquista", idea que los medios de comunicación han comprado y difundido en un verdadero ejercicio de periodismo de estado.
Razzia against the libertarian movement
At 5:15 of this Tuesday 16 december about 700 Mossos and other police services mobilized to assault diverse social centers, squats and housings inside the so called Operation Pandora directed by the Spanish High Court. First news soon came from the Kasa de la Muntanya, the oldest squatted house in Barcelona, where the policemen had burst the principal access and the windows and, room for room, searched the building until six o'clock in the afternoon. All IT material, computers, telephones, notebooks, flyers and documentation of the inhabitants have been requisitioned.
The police deployment was surrounding the house covering the accesses, with dozens of vans in the zone and surroundings. A group of solidaries have blocked spontaneously the two senses of the Travessera de Dalt for more than one hour until the police have intervened. The searches to domiciles and social centers were continuing, meanwhile, in other neighborhoods of Barcelona: the Ateneu Llibertari de Sant Andreu and Poble Sec's Ateneu Anarquista also have been registered.
On the same evening demonstrations of rejection have been called together against the operation against the libertarian movement and in solidarity with the detainees in several cities of the state. In Barcelona, approximately 3.000 peoples have demonstrated pacifically from Sant Andreu's streets towards the streets of the neighborhood of Gracia, blocking roads to its step shouting "if they touch one of us, they touch us all touch" and "the only terrorist, the capitalist state". An anti-riot cordon has cut their step at a height of the conservative CDC’s headquarters, where the march has been divided, crystals of some bank branches have been broken and the Mossos have loaded against the block of the headboard dispersing the demonstrators in small groups.
The Pandora operation, according to the report of the Mossos, chases to dismantle a "terrorist organization of anarchistic character" to which they attribute diverse attacks with explosives. The media have bought and spread widely the concept of “anarchist terrorism" in a real exercise of State’s journalism without bothering to even questioning the existence of the supposedly terrorist actions. Eleven people have been detained, one of them in Madrid, among the fourteen searches carried out in Barcelona and other cities to be moved to the dependences of the High Court, accused from belonging to a "criminal organization with terrorist purpose of anarchistic character". Last news: while four of them have been released, other seven are entering preventive prison while still don’t know what they are actually accused for.
Sergi Pujolar / Raquel Rappini / Sergi Rugrand / Mayu Ruiz / Collectif Krasnyi BCN