Judici al CIE


Més de mil persones s’han desplaçat aquest matí fins al CIE (Centre d’Internament d’Extrangers) de la Zona Franca, que ara mateix es troba tancat per reformes, per a exigir-ne el tancament definitiu.

Un cop allà s’ha dut a terme un judici popular, on persones que han estat retingudes en CIE’s i associacions vinculades a la defensa dels drets humans han fet de testimonis, i han denunciat moltes de les ilegalitats i irregularitats que es duen a terme en aquests centres d’internament. El judici ha acabat demanant el tancament d’aquest i dels altres CIE’s, i fent crida a la desobediència i la denúncia a les batudes i les deportacions.


This morning, more than a thousand people went to Zona Franca’s CIE (detention center for foreign people) in Barcelona, right now closed for renovations, to demand the definitive closure.

Once ther a public trail have been celebrated, and people who had been detained into CIEs and human rights associations were testimonies and denounced many of the irregularities and illegalities they perpetrate. At the end of the trail they have demanded this, and all the CIEs, to close down, and made an appeal to dennounce and disobey raids and deportations.

Sergi Pujolar/ Sergi Rugrand / Collectif Krasnyi BCN

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